Foundation to Grade 2 Teaching Position (Term 2 start)

Mother Teresa School (see more jobs from this school)


Primary Teacher

Contract Type: Contract Position Full Time

Applications Close: 9 March 2025

We seek applications from teachers with a passion for learning and teaching to join the Mother Teresa school community in Term 2, 2025. Applicants must have a commitment to Catholic Education and the wellbeing and safety of students. Graduates and PTT welcome to apply

<p>We seek a Foundation to Grade 2 teacher to join our learning community in Term 2, 2025. </p><p>Educators who are passionate and committed to life long learning, have an understanding of or interest in learning more about Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL), Science of Learning and the MACS Vision of Instruction are encouraged to apply.   </p><p>This is an exciting time to join Mother Teresa Catholic Primary School with Mrs Jess Davis the new Principal on board, we are exploring the Science of Learning and the MACS Vision of Instruction. </p><p>The Mother Teresa community is committed to the safety, wellbeing and protection of all children in our care. Please refer to our Child Safe Policy <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>.</p><p><strong>Applicants are required to:</strong></p><ul><li>Be accredited to teach Religious Education in a Catholic school or be willing to undertake this accreditation</li><li>Hold current VIT registration</li><li>Show a commitment to ongoing professional learning</li><li>Be committed to engaging in collaborative and facilitate team planning  </li></ul><p>Applicants should include a personal letter, a current CV including the names of at least 3 referees, including your current principal and the completed application form. Applications to be forwarded to Mrs Jess Davis (Principal) <a href="mailto:principal&#64;" rel="nofollow">principal&#64;</a> </p><p>Please note that Mother Teresa is accessible via public transport with a public bus stop located in Windrock Avenue, right out side the school. Please don&#39;t hesitate to contact Mrs Jess Davis (Principal) on on <a href=";mother&#43;teresa&#43;catholci&#43;Praimry&#43;school&amp;rlz&#61;1C5CHFA_enAU1005AU1005&amp;oq&#61;mother&#43;teresa&#43;catholci&#43;Praimry&#43;school&amp;gs_lcrp&#61;EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIICAEQABgWGB4yCAgCEAAYFhgeMgoIAxAAGIAEGKIEMgoIBBAAGIAEGKIEMgoIBRAAGIAEGKIEMgcIBhAAGO8F0gEINDQyNGowajeoAgCwAgA&amp;sourceid&#61;chrome&amp;ie&#61;UTF-8#" rel="nofollow">7303 1200</a> or email <a href="mailto:principal&#64;" rel="nofollow">principal&#64;</a>  for a tour or with any questions you may have prior to applying. </p>


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Application Instructions

<p>Please submit a cover letter and current CV with up to 3 referees, including current Principal where applicable. </p>