Head of Sport / Sports and Outdoor Ed Teacher

Good Shepherd College (see more jobs from this school)


Head of Faculty / Department

Teaching Subject: Child Studies , Health , Outdoor Education , PDHPE , Physical Education

Contract Type: Permanent/Ongoing Position Full Time

Applications Close: 11 March 2025

Good Shepherd College is seeking a dedicated Head of Sport / Sport and Outdoor Education Teacher to lead the administration and delivery of the College’s sporting and outdoor education programs. This role is a 0.3 FTE administration position combined with a 0.7 FTE Sport/Health teaching load, commencing in Term 2, 2025.

<p>The primary objective of the Head of Sport is to be responsible for facilitating sporting experiences for all students at Good Shepherd College. This includes responsibility for providing the direction, planning, programming, resourcing and managing all College sporting programs, camps and events.</p><p>The role of Head of Sport oversees the administrative requirements of the College’s P-12 sporting program. The <strong>0.3 FTE allocation</strong> can be structured as half days or adjusted to support peak periods, such as carnivals. Additionally, there is a 0.7 FTE loading to teach <strong>PE and Health.</strong></p><p>Given the unique nature of the role, please feel free to contact the Principal, Ms Sharon Kotzur, via email <a href="mailto:principal&#64;gsc.vic.edu.au" rel="nofollow">principal&#64;gsc.vic.edu.au</a> for more details.</p><p> </p>


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Application Instructions

<p>Please email your <strong>Application Form</strong>, together with a <strong>Cover Letter</strong>, to the Principal, Ms Sharon Kotzur, by 9am Tuesday 11th March 2025: <a href="mailto:principal&#64;gsc.vic.edu.au" rel="nofollow"><u>principal&#64;gsc.vic.edu.au</u></a><br /> </p><p>We look forward to hearing from you!</p>